


Another good post Harry - it becomes more apparent where Paul gets his tone from.

I am still on the Toshiba portable. Thus it's 'broken' status over last few weeks.

It's fixed now however - I fixed it last night. Consequently I am back on the blogging vibe again and will be dropping the blogging kids off over the next few days. And you've given me a few ideas...

Harry C

Well done Tom - it is much more exciting and challenging away from the 'cutting edge' stuff (and,let's face it,a lot cheaper too !)

Are you still using a dial-up connection Tom ?


I have no idea. I just go round to my neighbours and borrow their connection - I'm not sure what they have. Perhaps it's a WIND up connection.

Paul H. Colman

Tom, I think you'll find that he gets his 'tone' from me.


Wash your mouth out, Colman (not you Harry).

Paul - will you be playing rubbish cricket on Sunday ?

Paul H. Colman

Blimey is that this Sunday? Yes, I suppose.


There you will see some skills.

Daughter in Law

Nice post Harry, it's a very tidy Mission Control. Will the garage ever receive the Mission Control treatment?

How is George settling in?

Harry C

Thank you for those kind words Charley. The garage is scheduled for similar treatment but it is just a matter of finding a window in the time-frame.!!!
Georgie is doing well and is very clean. I think she's beginning to realise she's fallen on her feet.
Apparently she should be confined to barracks for three weeks, so the vet says.


I would recommend suppositories, glucose supplements, and plenty of toast.


I just realised how old I am Harry, I trained as a comptometer operator, Sumlock Training School in Norwich. The Beatles played In Norwich during that time, the ticket cost 10 bob. Oh my.


Blimey - was that even before 1982 ?

Harry C

Tom, I assume that the range of treatments you're suggesting is for the cat and not for me.

1982, to me, is quite recent - it's the year we moved to our present abode. I remember before decimalisation and VAT !!

Hello Tricia, you were prized members of staff - usually paid more and more numerate than the rest.


Harry - you are becoming quite popular now - look at you - having to address various people in one resonse. Whoooo whooo whooo.

And as for 1982 being quite recent - well, I suppose it depends on your perspective. In 1982 I was but a twinkle in my mother's eye.


Be sure to disclose all of your past and present medications.

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