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Hello Harry - nice to speak to you again.

If I may be so bold to say it - you are a success story - certainly of the Let's See What Happens blog. Of course I am humbled in a polite way to consider passing judgement on any more than that.

I would love to hear you play this year - at least I will certainly be making the effort to listen to those songs you mention and through them, try to learn something more of the saxophone.

My own endeavours are at present directed at cross - stitching - but the pipe chanter is still very much in the wings...

Harry C

Thanks Tom - nice to hear from you too.
I think I have bloggers block and find it hard to regulsrly find something that might be generally interesting to write about. Apart from music my other major interest
is working at my golf game - not very interesting !!
Good to hear your chanter is waiting in the wings and now that you have your new 'studio' shed can we expect some progress ??
What do you mean by cross stitching ??

Paul H. Colman

Good stuff, Dad. I think Tom is right, for once, you're the success story of let's see what happens - I might make you a medal.


Go and check out my blog to see what I'm up to Harry.

Basically Dan Germain sent me an e.mail one day coming over all big about himself and I told him I'd show HIM clever. He challenged me to go ahead and show him and so I had to think of an idea of how to do it.

It took me about a minute to decide to buy a church kneeler / knitted hassock kit and make one to put in the shed (he thinks I'm giving it to him) - and that that would show him clever.

I went through a bit of an epic journey to find the right one - and it has arrived and I'm now on track to finish it sometime next summer (at this rate)


PS if you need some stuff to write about I'm overflowing with it. I can syndicate some out to you if you like. I'll keep the offensive stuff for my blog - you can have the least rude stuff.

Harry C

I read the blog Tom. I'm staggered by the range of your hobbies and interests. The hassock will be powerful response to your challengers.
I'm touched by your kind offer of your 'less rude stuff' to write about on this blog, but I'd never get away with it. You are a 'one off' Tom - and I mean that in the nicest possible way !!


I've got a wizard idea for the hassock, too Harry - this will be no ordinary hassock.

I understand you want to keep me away from your blog's posts. I understand.

Harry C

Come on Tom I always look forward to your comments.

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