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Harry, that has worked a treat.


Hello Ben,thanks to you and Tom the layout looks so much better.


I am getting complaints on my blog that it looks too professional now.

What do we do Harry ?

Jesus, we'll be checking our 'stats' next (don't ask - it's something these youngsters do)


Lovely pics Harry. You look like you're defying gravity on the Redbarn Strand one.


I agree Tom, your blog now looks really professional. There's no going back though as that may cause offence.
I suggest we declare a moratorium on technical development - such as embedding videos - and under no circumstances should we be concerned with 'stats'(or indeed planning and advertising). A return to 'sophisticated simplicity' is what's called for here.


Hello Charley - the pics were taken on the hand-me-down ex Joan digital camera. I really am defying gravity in the Redbarn one - and that was just a mild breeze that day !!!
I've been keeping a regular eye on your 'flickr' site and I'm very impressed - I particularly liked the series at th Natural History Museum.


Harry - there has been talk that I have heard that Paul's blog has been reclassified for 'family' only.

If this were the case, you would know of this.

Maybe you have not been entirely clear with us, Harry ?


Not true Tom - as far as I am aware Paul has stopped blogging at the moment.


in WHICH case - maybe it IS for family, but, somewhere in the past - you have not been entirely honest with HIM ?

Of course not. I don't know what I mean by that. I apologise.

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